
Buy LYS Concert Tickets

Online ticket sales close at 8:00pm the DAY BEFORE the concert.

After that time, please purchase your concert tickets at the door.


In a giving mood? Add a small donation to your ticket purchase to support the LYS.


Pay Your Tuition

LYSO Tuition : $525.00 ($262.50 for Spring Only)
LYSE/LYSB Tuition: $450.00 ($225.00 for Spring Only)


LYS Merchandise Store

We are excited to announce our new merchandise store!

We've partnered with Print Your Cause, an on-demand printing company serving non-profits. We've setup a small store to get started, and hope to offer more items in the coming months.

We've created a selection of t-shirts and hoodies to show off the LYS. And a portion of each purchase comes back to the LYS to fund our programs!

All orders are processed and fulfilled by PYC and any issues or returns are also handled by them.

Click here to place an order today!